Strategy, futures studies, innovation and development

Team leaders: Philippe Durance, Anne-Gaëlle Jolivot & Benoît Petitpretre

Strategy, futures studies, innovation and development is a research team of Lirsa that brings together lecturers and researchers in management sciences and geography. The team promotes an interdisciplinary perspective on the study of organizations and regional development, with a focus on innovation and change management, strategy and decision-making in organizations, and regional development dynamics. The team's ongoing research is presented in a seminar held on a monthly basis.


Research themes

  • Strategies and decisions in organizations

This theme brings together work on the management of organizations, in particular the strategic, human resources and marketing functions, from perspectives that integrate strategy and decision making, the institutionalization of processes and organizations, and current transformations such as digitalization and the convergence of massive data.

  • Foresight, change management and innovation

This theme deals with innovation in and by organizations: design and management of innovation, analysis of activities leading to breakthrough innovation, open and collaborative innovation. It also deals with the support of change and the human dimensions of innovation, particularly in terms of organizational learning, anticipation, pedagogy, and the prospective of professions and skills.

This theme analyzes the place and role of territorial organizations (networks, competitiveness clusters, metropolises, etc.) in the dynamics of development and growth. It also integrates research with a strong territorial perspective in specific fields such as mobility, transport systems, health, solidarity, etc.

The members


Team Spid members

ANBERRÉE Alice - Senior Lecturer

BAHRI KORBI Fadia - Senior Lecturer

BASSO Olivier - PAST

BAYAD Mohamed - University Professor - HDR

BENBIHI Lahcen - Research associate

BERTEZENE Sandra - Cnam Professor - HDR

BERTHINIER-PONCET Anne - Senior Lecturer

BOULIATAUX-LAJOINIE Stéphane - Senior Lecturer

CAILLAUD Emmanuel - University Professor

CHARRIÈRE-GRILLON Valérie - Cnam Professor

CHRAIBI Sarrah - Research associate


DELPECH Claire - Associate Professor

DE ROZARIO Pascale - Senior Lecturer - HDR

DURANCE Philippe - Cnam Professor - HDR

DURAND Thomas - Cnam Professor & Director of the Strategies team - HDR

ESTAY Christophe - HDR

EVEN-HORELLOU Frédérique - Senior Lecturer

GAREL Gilles - Cnam Professor - HDR

GERARD Patrick - Research associate - HDR

HEITZ Adeline - Senior Lecturer

JOLIVOT Anne-Gaëlle - Senior Lecturer

LENFLE Sylvain - University Professor - HDR

MACÉ Jean-Marc - University Professor - HDR

MALLE Richard - Research associate

MARCHAIS-ROUBELAT Anne - Senior Lecturer - HDR

MEUNIER François - Research associate

MONDON Sylvain - Research associate



PAQUIER Marie-Catherine - Research associate

PERSEIL Sonny - Design engineer - HDR

PETITPRÊTRE Benoît - Senior Lecturer

POKROVSKY Alexis - Senior Lecturer

RIVAL Madina - Director of Lirsa - University Professor - HDR

ROURE Lionel - Senior Lecturer

SAFA Sanaa - Research associate

SAUVAGE Thierry - Research associate - HDR

SCHIRRER Maxime - Senior Lecturer

SHIMADA Sakura - Senior Lecturer

TAUPIN Benjamin - Senior Lecturer

TOSSAN Vessélina - Senior Lecturer

YATIM Fatima - Senior Lecturer

News & upcoming events of the team

The team regularly organizes seminars, study days and meetings around the research topics studied.

  • The doctoral seminar, organized monthly, welcomes doctoral students and supervisors of the team to discuss ongoing research (theses, preparation of conference presentations and articles ...)
  • Two seminars co-organized with the laboratory "Histoire des technosciences en société (HT2S)" :
    • The "Actualité de Jean-Jacques Salomon", on public policies of science and technology
    • The "Transversal days on expertise
  • Study days :
    • "Abbé Grégoire Innovation Day"
    • "The reality of fiction - or the relationships between fiction, narrative, discourse and storytelling"
    • "Doing development, differently!"
  • "The meetings of the Chair in Health Services Management"

Upcoming events

Links with teaching

The teacher-researchers of the team are mainly attached to the national teaching teams of the Cnam Stratégies, Innovation et Territoires. The research activities of this team benefit in particular the teaching of the following Master's degrees:

  • Urban Planning and Development (MR105)
  • Management and International Trade (MR117)
  • Marketing and Sales (MR118)
  • Entrepreneurship and Project Management (MR120)
  • Environmental Management (MR121)
  • Innovation, Business and Society (MR122)
  • Innovation Management (MR133)