Oumaima SADQI



Research themes

  • Corporate Governance 
  • Financial Performance
  • Organizational Performance

Professional career Oumaima Sadqi

OSMrs. SADQI Oumaima defended her thesis on 05/02/2021 in Management Sciences at the National School of Business and Management-University Hassan Premier of Settat/Morocco in February 2021. She then obtained the certificate of comparability of her PhD; allowing her to access the academic career and research, as well as the job market in the field of specialization by the Center ENIC-NARIC France on 22/03/2022. She previously worked as a postdoctoral researcher at the IAE of Brest (Université de Bretagne Occidentale). She is now a temporary teaching and research associate at Cnam and a member of Lirsa. She works on Corporate Governance and Organizational Performance.

En savoir plusCV Oumaima Sadqi

Publications et travaux scientifiques

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