Hien Laëtitia DO BENOIT


Research themes

  • Area studies, Comparative area studies (Southeast Asia)
  • Public management (Southeast Asia, Vietnam)
  • Sociology of international relations
  • Sociology of elites (Southeast Asia, Vietnam)

Professional career of  Hien Laëtitia Do Benoit

Do Benoit For her initial studies, Hien Laëtitia Do Benoit obtained an MA in political science, international relations from University Paris I Panthéon Sorbonne (1999) as well as an MA from the School for Translation and Interpretation at the National University of Hanoi. She held a combined translator-interpreter position at the chancellery of the French embassy in Vietnam (1993-1996) prior to embarking on an academic career focusing on the study of contemporary Vietnam and of ASEAN. Awarded a CNRS scholarship, she undertook field work in Southeast Asia (2001-2004) in order to prepare her doctoral thesis. She graduated with a PhD in political science from Sciences Po Paris in 2007. Following an initial appointment as a lecturer in Perpignan Via Domitia University, she joined Le Cnam in 2013 as an associate professor and is in charge of the research methodology teaching unit, ‘DSCG professional thesis’. She is a member of French Political Science Association (AFSP), of the International Association for Research in Public Management (AIRMAP), of the French Academic Network for Asian Studies (GIS Réseau Asie), and researcher partner of the Research Institute on Contemporary Southeast Asia (IRASEC), based in Bangkok.

En savoir plusCV Hien Laëtitia Do Benoit

Publications et travaux scientifiques

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