Senior Lecturer

Research themes

  • Labor economics: matching models, on-the-job search, labor market efficiency, education, inequalities
  • Public policies: Minimum wage, tax and subsidy policy.
  • Macroeconomics

Professional career of Thérèse Rebière

Thérèse Rebière

Thérèse Rebière graduated from the University of Caen, France in 2006 and completed her PhD. in Labor Economics at the University of Le Havre, France, in 2009 where she held a position of Teaching and Research Assistant until August 2010. She joined Le Cnam in 2010 as an Assistant Professor. She currently holds an Associate Professor position at Le Cnam and oversees the undergraduate program in Economics and Finance. She is a permanent member of the Lirsa research center. She is also a research fellow at IZA (Institute of Labor Economics), an associate member at Ceet (Centre d’Etude pour l’Emploi et le Travail / Center for studies in employment and work) and a member of the TEPP-CNRS research network (Théories et Evaluations des politiques publiques / theories and evaluations of public policies). Her main research area is in theoretical macro-labor economics (search and matching models; public policies: tax and subsidy schemes; education; inequalities) but she also investigates more empirical fields as she is involved in experimental economics studies and regional public policy evaluations.

+ CV Thérèse Rebière

Publications et travaux scientifiques

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