Ethique, territoire et certification commerce équitable
Entrepreneuriat, innovation sociale et développement durable
Gouvernance des entreprises sociales
Evaluation de la performance globale des entreprises
Professional career of Lahcen BENBIHI
Lahcen BENBIHI defended in December 2021 his thesis in management sciences at the National School of Business and Management of Ibn Zohr University, Agadir, Morocco, in international cotutelle with the Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers, Hesam University, Paris, France. He held an administrative position at the Presidency of the University Ibn Zohr before working as a teacher in economic and management sciences at the Ecole supérieure de technologie d'Agadir. He is now a teacher acting as a researcher at the University Ibn Zohr, Member of the Research Laboratory in Business Management, ENCG, Agadir, and researcher associated with Lirsa. His research focuses on fair trade from the point of view of producers in the South and on the evaluation of the role of certification in the development of fair trade, from the perspective of ethics and social innovation. He organizes international research conferences in Agadir on the theme of fair trade, CSR and sustainable development.