University Professor

Research themes

  • competency management
  • talent management
  • emotional skills
  • leadership
  • international HR management
  • expatriation
  • decision theories

Professional career of Cécile Dejoux

CDCécile Dejoux has a doctorate in management science and is qualified to direct research. She is a lecturer at the Cnam and is in charge of the HR master's program. Her work focuses on HRM, social networks, international management and leadership. She published in 2013 Gestion des compétences et GPEC, topo, Dunod, 2nd ed, in 2012 Talent Management, at Dunod (with M. Thévenet) and Fonctions RH, 3eme ed, Pearson (in collective), in 2010 Gestion des talents at Dunod (with M. Thévenet). She is a distance learning specialist, teaches in English and French and works in companies.

En savoir plusCV Cécile DEJOUX

Publications et travaux scientifiques

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